Unable to create a CodeCatalyst project in new space


When I create an empty project in a new space, I receive the following error message:

"We can't create a project because you have reached the maximum number of projects allowed for a space. You must delete one or more projects before you can create projects in this space."

I don't currently have any projects in my space.

질문됨 일 년 전418회 조회
2개 답변
수락된 답변

We noticed similar instances. This typically happens when the connect AWS account didn't get set as your billing account. Can you navigate to the billing tab and click the button "Associate AWS account" in the banner? Then select the AWS account you had previous added." Once you complete that step you should see current tier of "free" and an account status of "Connected". Then retry creating your project.

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검토됨 8달 전

I'm sorry you encountered this error. We are currently investigating this issue. We will get back to you as soon as we have identified the root cause of this error.

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