Creating a custom python back-end for AWS Sagemaker Triton Inference server


Locally (i.e. outside of AWS) I'm using the latest official Nvidia triton docker image ( which ships with a python 3.10 backend. I've constructed a custom environment using conda-pack which works fine. But for some reason the latest AWS docker image ( ships with python 3.8 (why have you backported to an older python?). I've used conda-pack to create an environment that works in sagemaker - but I now cannot use the same environment locally and on AWS which is irritating.

What I want to do is create a triton_python_backend_stub so that I can use the same conda-pack environment on both but I'm not sure how to do this. I copied the triton_python_backend_stub from the official NVidia image but that fails to load inside the AWS container - the nvidia container is based on Ubuntu 22.04 ( so I suspect the AWS one isn't?

I can probably create a python 3.8 stub using the nvidia container, but how do I create a python 3.10 stub using the AWS container - I (think) I need to docker run -ti the AWS container so I can use it to build the stub but I'm not sure how to do that (in particular running on my local machine as a build step).

질문됨 10달 전758회 조회
2개 답변


This very recent blog post goes into full details about creating such a Triton backend:



profile pictureAWS
답변함 10달 전

Thanks Didier, but as far as I can see that post doesn't cover building a triton_python_backend_stub if you're not using the same version of python - it just covers how to use conda-pack to add dependencies but assumes you create a conda 3.8 environment.

I have managed to build a python 3.8 triton_python_backend_stub for the official nvidia triton image so am I now at least able to test my ensemble locally before deploying to AWS, and that works fine - but I'm now running into different issues.

Using the exact same repository that works fine locally (but without the stubs) the sagemaker container fails to load the exact same python environment that works perfectly using the fails with

When running in the offical nvidia image the logs contain

I0818 06:23:29.847878 100] Using Python execution env /mnt/model-repository/tokenizer/py38-transformers.tar.gz
I0818 06:23:29.847903 100] Using Python execution env /mnt/model-repository/post_processor/py38-transformers.tar.gz

(I have two python models tokenizer and post_processor)

But when I run on AWS it's only creating one of the two environments - and then does seems to be using different envs for the python for the tokenizer model (/tmp/python_env_EmqFow/1/bin/activate and /tmp/python_env_EmqFow/1/bin/activate)

I0818 07:21:44.156862 89] Extracting Python execution env /opt/ml/model/post_processor/py38-transformers.tar.gz

I0818 07:24:49.740470 89] Starting Python backend stub: source /tmp/python_env_EmqFow/1/bin/activate && exec env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tmp/python_env_EmqFow/1/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/tritonserver/backends/python/triton_python_backend_stub /opt/ml/model/tokenizer/1/ triton_python_backend_shm_region_2 16777216 1048576 89 /opt/tritonserver/backends/python 336 tokenizer

I0818 07:24:49.740535 89] Starting Python backend stub: source /tmp/python_env_EmqFow/0/bin/activate && exec env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tmp/python_env_EmqFow/0/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/tritonserver/backends/python/triton_python_backend_stub /opt/ml/model/post_processor/1/ triton_python_backend_shm_region_3 16777216 1048576 89 /opt/tritonserver/backends/python 336 post_processor_0

I0818 07:21:44.347011 107]  Failed to initialize Python stub for auto-complete: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'transformers'

I've searched the logs for "Extracting Python execution env" and it only appears once, despite the following appearing in both configs

parameters: {
  value: {string_value: "$$TRITON_MODEL_DIRECTORY/py38-transformers.tar.gz"}

I'm wondering if nvidia fixed an issue between 23.05 (sagemaker latest) and 23.07 (nvidia latest). I guess I need to run with 23.05 and check.

답변함 10달 전

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