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Upload to Glacier via CLI


What is best way to upload an entire folder (recursively) to S3 Glacier via CLI? I understand we can create a Glacier Vault and run 'aws glacier' command on individual objects (w/ no recursive option) such as:

aws glacier upload-archive --vault-name MyVault --body myArchive.doc

However I notice that the 's3 sync' command has '--storage-class' options of 'GLACIER|DEEP_ARCHIVE.' Would following command work as well?:

aws s3 sync my-dir s3://my-bucket/path --storage-class DEEP_ARCHIVE

1개 답변
수락된 답변

It is recommended to use S3's Glacier storage class so you can use s3 sync.

Note that data stored in Glacier vaults is not interchangeable with Glacier-storage-class data in S3 buckets. You have to choose which set of APIs to use.

In general, S3's APIs have a richer feature set; we are encouraging use of the S3 APIs for all new Glacier data.

답변함 5년 전

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