Error authenticating to connector: Unauthorized request: msg=The request to SAP failed with the status code: 401 and SAP error message: Unauthorized.


Hi, I have created XSODATA to expose SAP Hana tables. I am trying to use that to extract by Appflow. I am getting the below error:

Error authenticating to connector: Unauthorized request: msg=The request to SAP failed with the status code: 401 and SAP error message: Unauthorized.

Below are few more details:

  1. In the Client Number, I have put in 000
  2. There is SSO enabled on my SAP systems. In Appflow, I have tried to bypass the SSO.
  3. we dont have SAP BW stack.

Please suggest, if its possible to use XSODATA in Appflow for extraction of data.

질문됨 7달 전165회 조회
1개 답변

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