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Unable to send AWS Pinpoint Voice message to a destination number in India


I'm trying to send a voice message using boto3's pinpoint-sms-voice client (in Python). My destination number is in India. My AWS Pinpoint project is in sandbox mode. My use case is, I will be sending an on-call OTP to the user when they request for it from my application. When tried to send the message through following function, I'm getting an BadRequestException.


        response = sms_voice_client.send_voice_message(
                'SSMLMessage': {
                    'LanguageCode': language_code,
                    'VoiceId': voice_id,
                    'Text': ssml_message}})


  An error occurred (BadRequestException) when calling the SendVoiceMessage operation: 
  Country IN is not available. 
  Contact Amazon Pinpoint through Service Limit Increase Form to whitelist SANDBOX for your sending.
  1. Before raising a service limit raise request from sandbox to production, I would like to know if sending voice message to IN country is supported in production mode.
  2. If yes, I would like to know, from which country should I request the destination number? (India is not available as a option, while requesting number in AWS Pinpoint Console)
1개 답변

There is a special requirement to send voice message to india number. If you didnt complete this then above error is valid. Please check following url

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