optimize cloudwatch api calls metrics


Those cloudwatch metrics cost me 500$ per month :

347.01$ GetMetricData

53.37$ GetMetricStatistics

ListMetrics : 45$

MetricStorage : 54$ MetricStorage:AWS/EC2 : 14$ MetricStorage:AWS/S3 && MetricStorage:AWS/Beanstalk 3.38$ PutLogEvents 11.5$

PutMetricData 1.5$

Uknown : 4$

i wanna a way to know the services that use those metrics most specifically the GetMetricData metric , and how to optimize the cost generated by those apis calls

just to know the cloudtrail isn't enabled , so if there any alternative , if not how to do acheive that with cloudtrail ??

1개 답변

GetMetricData is used to retrieve metric data-sets from CloudWatch. Excessively high numbers of GetMetricData calls are often due to 3rd-party tooling or services (such as DataDog and similar services) that are using CloudWatch data to create dashboards and other visualizations.

You can enable logging for CloudWatch data-api's to CloudTrail and then you will be able to review CloudTrail and see the identify of the caller making these calls, and knowing that make changes that could reduce the number of calls.

Ref: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/monitoring/logging_cw_api_calls.html#CloudWatch-data-plane-events

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