How do I view my IPv4 usage in cost explorer? AWS announced charges coming in Feb 2024, but usage types are not present in cost explorer.


How do I view my IPv4 usage in cost explorer? the AWS announcement ( from today said usage would be available in Cost explorere/CUR, but I do not see the Usage type options to filter on, but i know we use IPv4 @ AWS.

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  • but that requires me to pay for IPAM service. The Announcement said it would be in cost explorer, I would like to view usage without paying for IPAM to do so.

  • I was able to view my IP usage without setting up IPAM. The announcements states, "Public IP Insights is a free feature".


Take a look at this blog:

In the CUR you need to include resource IDs.

Also note this statement:

You are not charged for using Amazon VPC IPAM when you are only using Public IP Insights. Public IP Insights is a new free feature of Amazon VPC IPAM that helps you monitor, analyze and audit public IPv4 address usage in your AWS account by AWS Region

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