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Amazon Bedrock Opensearch Service 비용


After testing the Bedrock service, we have released the knowledge base and agent. I moved to the Opensearch Service tab, but didn't see the corresponding item, so I figured the service had been canceled. Then, when I logged in about 5 days later, the Opensearch Service billing amount had increased. Why is that?

1개 답변


Click on the Opensearch Serverless tab.
Bedrock Knowledge Base uses Opensearch Serverless.

(Optional) Set up a vector index in a supported vector store to index your data. You can use the Amazon Bedrock console to create an Amazon OpenSearch Serverless vector database for you.

If created successfully, Opensearch Serverless used by Bedrock Knowledge Base will be displayed in the collection.

Also, make sure you have the correct region open in the management console.

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답변함 4달 전

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