AWS RDS > MS-SQL > [rdsadmin].[dbo].[rds_customer_tasks] Not indexed and causing major system impacts


There is a table called "[rdsadmin].[dbo].[rds_customer_tasks]", which is an internal AWS RDS admin table used to track async customer requests like msdb.dbo.rds_task_status.

After running a tool to uncover SQL executions that are not indexed, I found this table to be 1000x more compute expensive to run.

MY question is, how can I create indexes on that table even though my AWS issued admin account doesnt give me permission to do so.

질문됨 2달 전94회 조회
1개 답변

Hi Vinnie,

You cannot create indexes on any table under "rdsadmin" database. That database is being used by our automation system and we do not provide any write operations to be performed on any of table/objects in that database.

But this table should not be used in any of the user processes/executions. This is only used for our automation/monitoring tasks by RDS Service.

So you should not worry about the execution times for this table.

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답변함 2달 전
  • Thanks for your reply, however this is not the answer to the question.

    I am 100% aware of what the table is and what rdsadmin is. However, when you run "back_up" or "restore", it creates a new entry in this table. This is an async task system ran by AWS.

    Now when you have ran this over 10k times, then you have the problems of "no indexing" and costly sql queries. Note that I have ran a script that tells me the costs of all queries in my db instance, which is where I have come up with this problem. I am not just making this stuff up, this is a major performance issue on RDS.

    This is an oversight from AWS, as they have not indexed these tables as part of the build. Either the rdsadmin tasks table needs to be purged of its data regularly, or indexes placed.

    Unless this problem is fixed, I am going to abandon RDS in favour of running my own EC2 with SQL SERVER, where I have full control over it. It is much cheaper anyway, and TBH what benefits are there other than a 30m autoamted backup?

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