can i host my program with aws?


We have developed a software in python and we want to market it with licenses. To do this, and to prevent the code from being hacked (since python is easy to get to the root and avoid the license check), we have thought of offering licenses through a hosted server with an API and working everything online without giving the code. does AWS perform this service? any help is appreciated

2개 답변

Hi there

From the note I understand you have a software and want to market it with licenses, you thought of offering licenses through a hosted server with an API and working everything online without giving the code.

Amazon Web Services offers cloud web hosting solutions that provide businesses, non-profits, and governmental organizations with low-cost ways to deliver their websites and web applications. Whether you’re looking for a marketing, rich-media, or ecommerce website, AWS offers a wide-range of website hosting options.

You can use AWS Amplify Hosting or Amazon S3 for your software and check the product pricing on the provided document[1].

I hope this helps.


답변함 2년 전

We license our platform as Software As A Service "SaaS" via the AWS Marketplace. You need to become an AWS Partner, but after establishing this with AWS the procurement and security of selling software is very reliable and scalable.

답변함 2년 전

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