404 Error on Enabling Task ScaleIn Protection


Hi, I've been trying to update the protectionEnabled flag of my container using the endpoint .

The API and the request are as below :

PUT<container-id>/task-protection/v1/state HTTP/1.1

Request : '{"ProtectionEnabled":true,"ExpiresInMinutes":3}'

I'm receiving a 400 Bad Error from the API and unable to understand the issue with the request. Would appreciate if someone could help with this.


HttpResponseProxy{HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request [Content-Type: application/json, X-Rate-Limit-Duration: 1, X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 80, X-Rate-Limit-Request-Forwarded-For: , X-Rate-Limit-Request-Remote-Addr:, Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2023 22:20:50 GMT, Content-Length: 105] ResponseEntityProxy{[Content-Type: application/json,Content-Length: 105,Chunked: false]}} @timestamp 1674512450139

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