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Cant copy paste file from local to AWS SSM Fleet manager instance


Hello team,

Why can't i copy paste the file from local machine to AWS SSM Fleet manager Windows EC2 instance?

In document they added, bidrectionally copy/paste working. For me its not working.

Am i missing anything? - Im using chrome browser

질문됨 9달 전1.3천회 조회
1개 답변

The SSM Fleet Manager allows only copying and pasting of text, not files or folders. The AWS documentation also mentions browser support for text copying, such as copying from a notepad to the Fleet Manager RDP session.

Note : Ensure Clipboard access is granted on the Fleet Manager session to enable text copy/paste. Chrome/Edge may display a popup "See text and images copied to the clipboard" which should be set to 'Allow' or you can click on the padlock icon next to the site URL and allow the clipboard access manually.

(-) How to set clipboard access -

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답변함 9달 전
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검토됨 9달 전

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