RDS snapshot restore not working when changing storage type


When trying to restore a snapshot of a MySQL RDS instance originally on gp2, after changing its storage type to gp3 in the UI, nothing happens when clicking on the "Restore DB Instance" button, and no error message appears. When opening browser Developer Tools (F12), saw HTTP 400 error in console.

After changing storage type to gp2 was able to restore snapshot.

  • There's no hard stop on upgrading volume type via snapshot restore. Can you provide more information: What instance types? Are there any Cloudtrail errors or denials?

  • Please accept the answer if it was useful for you

1개 답변

I have just tried the same. Worked perfectly. Just make sure that your new volume is 20 Gb or bigger. This is a limitation.

Maybe AWS had some temporary issues when you tried it.

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