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IAM Tag policy for EC2 instances


How can I prevent a specific IAM user to delete or change tags assigned to an EC2 instance? I am OK with the user to be able to add new tags.


2개 답변
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You can add an IAM policy to your IAM user that has an allow for ec2:CreateTags and a deny for ec2:DeleteTags. Currently, these are the only tag-related permissions available for EC2 service, along with ec2:DescribeTags.

Note that for existing tags, when you change or update the Tag Key, both ec2:DeleteTags and ec2:CreateTags actions will be performed. If you update change or update the Tag Value, ec2:CreateTags action will be performed.

Check this reference that has an example for using tags:

profile picture
답변함 2년 전
profile picture
검토됨 5달 전

You could use an SCP to manage who is able to change tags. There are some tagging examples on this page :

답변함 2년 전

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