Creating automatic copies from one S3 bucket to another


Hi, I want to schedule automatic backups from one bucket to another. I have an instance with Plesk that automatically makes backups in a S3 bucket, but in this one only 4 copies are saved (or as many as I configure in Plesk). I would like that every certain period of time, automatic backups are made to the other bucket, where I would save more copies, for example 10 weeks. Can I make this process of copying from one bucket to another automatically? How? Thank you.

2개 답변
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Instead of copying backups from S3 to S3, why not create backups with AWS Backup?
With this, there is no need to create shell scripts, so you can set it up right away.

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답변함 3달 전
profile pictureAWS
검토됨 3달 전
  • I fully concur, AWS Backup is THE way to go for such backups. In my team, we use it very heavily: simple, efficient and rock-solid.


If you want automated copies of your S3 objects to another buckets right at the time of creation/PUT then S3 replication is also an ideal feature to use. You can configure an S3 LC policy at the destination bucket if we want to keep only last X days of objects. Its worth exploring if it satisfy your use case and requirements. There are many customers who solely relay on S3 replication rather than AWS backup for S3.

답변함 3달 전

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