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Production access on Amazon Pinpoint SMS


Anyone knows how quickly Amazon staff processes the requests to move from Sandbox to production? We used SMS services to send 2FA login codes for several years now and suddenly due to some new regulation we had to get a new phone number. For the last few days the service stopped working. Apparently we are back into a test mode and I requested the move to production few days ago but the support case status is still "unassigned". We are being royally screwed up because our users can not log in to the web portal. Any idea how to get it done quickly? Thanks

5개 답변

Hi there,

Sorry to hear about the issue you are having.

We've escalated the issue internally, so please keep an eye on your support case for further updates.

— Ana S.

답변함 일 년 전

I had two cases open in the support site because there are no instructions on how to get from sandbox into production. One case was 'resolved' by the Amazon support by telling me I have to increase the limit myself in the Pinpoint console using the information provided in an included link. By doing it I just ended up opening a new case, which of course nobody bothered to review. The second case asked for additional information, which I provided and, no surprise, no one looked at it. In the meantime the my production system is down. Do I have to use re:Post to kick the support into action?

답변함 일 년 전

You may need to increase your support plan for faster responses from support in the future. See In the meantime, I was able to get you out of sandbox. You should be seeing it now.

답변함 일 년 전

Thank you. This was perfect and extremely prompt. I have another question. Should my C# based code to send text messages work the same way or this all new setup requires completely different code? I tried to test my web app that worked fine until last weekend but no text messages were received.

답변함 일 년 전

There should not be any changes needed to your webapp. One option is to enable logs, there might be something there if you are having issues. Another option is cloudtrail logs to make sure your request made it to us. If you were sandboxed in the region you were using, that might be why too.

답변함 일 년 전

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