Is Windows 11 available as bundle for AWS Workspaces?



I want to deploy AWS Workspace with Windows 11, but I cannot find any bundle with that version of Windows (there's only Windows 10). Is Windows 11 available for Workspaces?

In this news it says

While Windows Server 10 BYOL WorkSpaces are still supported, you can now choose to run WorkSpaces powered by Windows 11 and benefit from new features such as Trust Platform Module 2.0 (TPM 2.0), and Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) Secure Boot. Windows 11 is supported for Standard, Performance, Power and PowerPro bundles. For the best experience with video conferencing we recommend using Power or PowerPro bundles only.

So I assume it should be available, but I cannot find it.

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1개 답변

It is available through Bring Your Own License, as Windows 10 is. If you have the proper licensing from Microsoft, you can follow our guide with the supported Windows 11 version.

We do not offer Windows 10 and Windows 11 License Included versions as that is against Microsoft's SPLA.

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