simple-phonebook-web-application with MySQL versión 8


Hello, i am trying to execute this app from aws samples : simple-phonebook-web-application But when i try Connect to bd It returns this error: Unable to Establish Connection:Server sent charset unknown to the client. Please, report to the developers. I think that IS due to this IS not compatible with version 8 of MySQL . How can i run this app with mysql8? Or is there other similar sample app compatible with mysql8? Thanks very much in advance!! Alberto

질문됨 2달 전69회 조회
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Starting with MySQL8, the default character code seems to be utf8mb4, so I think this is probably the problem.
Therefore, try changing the character code to utf8 in the parameter group set in the RDS instance, or change the character code of the table created within RDS to utf8.

I think the answers below will be helpful.

For setting MySQL's character code, please check the parameters introduced in the blog below.
It is explained in detail in "Parameters related to character sets".

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답변함 2달 전
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검토됨 2달 전

thanks! i solved it with: ( I think the answers below will be helpful. )

답변함 2달 전

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