Why the amazon personalize -> getRecomendations always return the same items ID?


What can I do to make getRecommendations return different item values, perhaps somewhere to insert items already seen. The recipe is: aws-user-personalization.

질문됨 3달 전88회 조회
1개 답변

Hi Marcos,

To get different item IDs from Amazon Personalize's getRecommendations, especially using the aws-user-personalization recipe, consider:

  • Increasing the diversity of user-item interaction data fed into the model.
  • Adjusting exploration settings to introduce new or less popular items.
  • Using filters to exclude items already interacted with or seen by the user.
  • Regularly updating the model with new data to reflect changing preferences.
  • Experimenting with the PersonalizeRanking API for dynamic re-ranking based on current interactions.

These steps can help balance between leveraging known preferences and exploring new recommendations.

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