Why my EC2 instance have less RAM as instance type


When I check Ram on ec2 instance directly then I got this output. ( see bellow) Mem: 373G 85G 219G 2.8M 68G 285G Swap: 0B 0B 0B

Why I have on ec2 just 373 RAM when based on instance type should have 384 RAM ? "i3en.12xlarge RAM = 384"

질문됨 2년 전1056회 조회
1개 답변

When using commands such as free -h the total memory is what is available for usage to applications. It is not the total memory that the underlying virtual machine has been provisioned with. The difference exists as some part of that memory is used by the linux kernel. More details can be seen in this Ubuntu forum post: https://askubuntu.com/questions/743649/new-16gb-of-ram-installed-yet-i-see-15-3-on-my-system-why/743669#743669

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