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Unable to Connect to AWS EC2 Windows Instance Using Windows 11 RDP Client


Hi, I have been facing this issue since a year. I need a VPS for which I use EC2 instance with a Windows server. So, what I do is create a Windows instance and try to connect to it using RDP client on my local pc with Windows 11. This used to work perfectly around 1.5 years ago but then I do not know what changed, now when I repeat the same process, instead of prompting me to enter the username and password of the instance as soon as i enter the IP of the instance in my RDP client and click connect, it takes me straight towards an XRDP screen where it prompts me to enter username and password but whatever I may enter, it never connects and always gives error. I have tried searching my ways through internet but have not been successful. Can a professional help point out what the issue can be? Please see the screenshots below.

Enter image description here Enter image description here Doesn't matter whatever password and username I enter here, it always gives me error Enter image description here

질문됨 일 년 전632회 조회
1개 답변

Your EC2 IP address may have changed. Can you go to AWS EC2 console to verify your Windows Server internet IP address?

답변함 일 년 전
  • Yes, I have tried connecting through all kinds of available IP addresses, public, private, IPV4. All result in the same error screen. The issue is that the microsoft RDP client doesn't even prompt me for a username and password when I click connect after entering the EC2 instance IP address while it should.

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