How to Specify the Posix user GID/UID when using EFS CSI in dynamic AP-mode in EKS


In a stock EKS cluster, with aws-efs-csi-driver installed, and using the dynamic provisioning storage class, how do we force a specific GID/UID when volumes are created? Thought here is we would probably have more than one sc pointing to the efs. One that is 100% dynamic, just storage, and one (or more) that have a defined gid/uid they pass onto the created EFS Access Point.

**Edit: I mean the POSIX UID and GID. Such as when in the AWS console, creating an access point by hand, the User UID/GID, and then the Owner UID/GID.

kind: StorageClass
  name: efs-sc
  provisioningMode: efs-ap
  fileSystemId: fs-someRandomJunkHere
  directoryPerms: "700"
  gidRangeStart: "1000" # optional
  gidRangeEnd: "2000" # optional
  basePath: "/dynamic_provisioning" # optional
  subPathPattern: "${.PVC.namespace}/${}" # optional
  ensureUniqueDirectory: "true" # optional
  reuseAccessPoint: "false" # optional
1개 답변
수락된 답변


Greetings for the day!!

From your correspondence I can understand that you would like to know how to pass a specific GID or UID (POSIX) when using dynamic provisioning with EFS CSI on an EKS cluster.

The EFS CSI driver now supports dynamic provisioning with the ability to specify the user ID and group ID to enforce user identity for all EFS requests. Here is the github page for the EFS CSI driver outlining the parameters that can be set[1a][1b] and the supporting EKS documentation[2]. Parameters named 'uid' and 'gid' are applicable in this case.

Additionally, you can also provide a rand using the parameters 'gidRangeStart' and 'gidRangeEnd' as per[1b]. This range parameters are also specified in the sample you have shared.

Also, the github issue for this feature which is now closed:

Have a fantastic day ahead!!


[1a] -

[1b] -

[2] -

답변함 7달 전
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검토됨 2달 전
  • Okay. Im not sure how many time I read right over that block. I usually skipped to the bottom where it was all about the start/end of uid/gid.

    Thank you!!

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