I create 2 year ago aws account but this not varified this old Account


I am reaching out to share a challenging experience I've encountered with the AWS support team, particularly concerning account verification.

Despite my earnest attempts to cooperate and provide all necessary information, the verification process has become increasingly difficult, resulting in feelings of harassment and frustration. The lack of understanding from the AWS verification team has been distressing.

My Case ID is **************, and my AWS Account number is 406909182675. I am urgently seeking assistance and resolution to my case. If any member has connections with the AWS team or knows someone who can help, your support in sharing this message within our community is highly appreciated.

By shedding light on these challenges, we aim to raise awareness and encourage positive changes in customer support practices. Thank you for your understanding and support in navigating through this situation.

*Edit: Removed case ID — Dino C.

2개 답변

I’m so sorry for the concern, Mohammed!

Please refer back to our Support team’s correspondence from December 26, 2023. I’ve reviewed your case, and for security reasons, we’re unable to discuss account or case details over social media. While we don’t have the ability to influence the outcome of your case, I’ve ensured your feedback has been passed along internally.

-Dino C.

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  • Today i see my runing case is resolved without my problem not solveing.... This is true?

  • Please provide me with a solution, AWS team. Will I be able to use AWS in my life? Why have you closed my case file? I need a resolution from your end.


Its like robotics communication dino. Already i told everything way and what but not solveing... Maybe aws support team verification team aslo programer team all member is death, I think is my mistake not aws. Why i go to aws.

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