Missing table size metrics in Cloudwatch for Amazon Keyspaces


I started to evaluate Amazon Keyspaces and checked available metrics in Cloudwatch related to this service. I found several metrics about used and provisioned capacity units, read and write counts and sizes, but I was not able to find a metrics which would tell me what is table size. As Keyspaces usage is charged by storage size as well, it would be very important to know how much I will pay for storing my data.

질문됨 4년 전456회 조회
5개 답변

Thanks for the feedback! Yes, adding a metric for table size is on our roadmap. I don't have any timing to share at this time, but we will update this forum post when it is available.

답변함 4년 전

Hello, are there any updates on size metrics? It is essential for our work. Thanks!

답변함 3년 전

Hi x0r - no updates yet. Quick questions for you - are you interested in the table size in term of GBs (i.e., billable storage size) or in terms of rows. How are you using this data? Also, do you need it to be real-time, or is periodic updates acceptable (i.e., we would update the metric on an interval).

답변함 3년 전

To get the storage usage of your Keyspaces workload you can the get-cost- and-usage- with- resource API. You can query this API via the AWS CLI. The API can be used in granularity of Monthly, Daily and Hourly to fit your use case.

Here is the documentation for this API and information on how to use it:

First you will need to go into AWS Cost management preferences and click the box that says Hourly and Resource level data.
(picture included, screenshot at the top you just have to click on it)

Here is an example of a query that will tell you the storage usage Hourly.

  1. first you have to use the vi to save a file in the AWS CLI called "filter.json"

  2. Copy& Paste this is what you want to include in your filter.json file:
    "Dimensions": {
    "Key": "SERVICE",
    "Values": [
    "Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra)"
    "Dimensions": {
    "Key": "USAGE_TYPE",
    "Values": [

3.The you will need to do this query, You will want to change the time period to you desired date and hour.

aws ce get-cost-and-usage --time-period Start="2021-10-18T10:00:00Z",End="2021-10-18T11:00:00Z" --granularity HOURLY --metrics "BlendedCost" "UnblendedCost" "UsageQuantity" --group-by Type=DIMENSION,Key=SERVICE Type=TAG,Key=Environment --filter file://filters.json

답변함 3년 전

Amazon Keyspaces now reports table size metric to CloudWatch. This will report the billiable table size which is the raw size of a single replica. While Amazon Keyspaces replicates data three times over multiple availability zones, it only charges you for one. You can also leverage the following Cloudformation template to build cloudwatch dashboard. https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-keyspaces-cloudwatch-cloudformation-templates

답변함 2년 전

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