AWS canary would be able to validate the DigiCert certs


would be able to validate the DigiCert certs in AWS canary?

1개 답변

If your question is can I use Amazon Cloudwatch Canary to validate digital certificates then the answer is yes.

To validate digital certificates in a canary, you'll need to incorporate certificate validation into your canary script.

In your canary script, you'll need to make an HTTPS request to the endpoint you want to validate and then check the certificate details.

The script will need to do the following:

  1. Makes an HTTPS request to your specified hostname.
  2. Retrieves the peer certificate.
  3. Logs important certificate details.
  4. Checks the certificate details.
  5. Verifies that the certificate hasn't expired.

To use this in Amazon Cloudwatch Canary:

Go to the Amazon CloudWatch console and create a new canary or edit an existing one.
In the script editor, paste the code .
Save and run the canary.

Documentation is here

Remember to adjust the error handling and logging to fit your needs. You might want to set up alarms based on the canary's success/failure or specific log patterns.

Also, note that certificate validation can be complex. Depending on your specific security requirements, you might need to add more thorough checks or use a dedicated certificate validation library.

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