Share your Amazon CloudWatch Dashboards with anyone using OKTA


We need to use OKTA as the entry point for users to gain access to CloudWatch dashboards, since we do not want to create new AWS accounts to allow users to use them

1개 답변

You can share CloudWatch Dashboards in three ways:

  • Share a single dashboard and designate specific email addresses and passwords of the people who can view the dashboard.
  • Share a single dashboard publicly, so that anyone who has the link can view the dashboard.
  • Share all the CloudWatch dashboards in your account and specify a third-party single sign-on (SSO) provider for dashboard access. All users who are members of this SSO provider's list can access the dashboards in the account. To enable this, you integrate the SSO provider with Amazon Cognito.

Here's an in depth breakdown of each. Your use case sounds like bullet number three. Like it says you do need to integrate the SSO provider, Okta in your case, with Amazon Cognito. Here's instructions on how to do that. Hope this helps!

답변함 3년 전

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