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Cloudformation exports exists after stack is deleted


We where deleting a stack and one of the exports in the stack was still in use, but instead of failing the deletion, the stack completed the deletion and the exports still exists when i look in the exports list, even after we cleaned up the imports so there is no other stack using the exports.

So now we have an export that is not associated with a stack and we can't redeploy the stack template because the exports exist, we don't want to change the export name as that would screw our naming convention.

Anyone know how we can fix this?

질문됨 3년 전965회 조회
1개 답변

The CloudFormation docs indicate "You can't delete a stack if another stack references one of its outputs."

I would recommend raising a support ticket via the Support console for further guidance.

답변함 3년 전
  • Yep, i was a little surprised when a team member showed it to me but non the less, the problem i have is it's on a developer account and we don't have support on that account, can it rely be true that we have to change it to a developer subscription and back just to get AWS to fix a problem on their own side of the fence, or do we have some other way we can get flag the bug to them? just in case you might know

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