Can and Can't install php7.4 on Amazon Linux 2 with user-data


I'm trying to install wordpress(latest version) with php7.4 on Amazon linux 2 by using following user-data.


yum update -y
amazon-linux-extras enable php7.4
yum clean metadata
yum install -y httpd mysql php php-{pear,cgi,common,curl,mbstring,gd,mysqlnd,gettext,bcmath,json,xml,fpm,intl,zip,imap,devel}

wget -P /tmp/
tar zxvf /tmp/latest.tar.gz -C /tmp
cp -r /tmp/wordpress/* /var/www/html/
chown apache:apache -R /var/www/html

systemctl enable httpd.service
systemctl start httpd.service

However, I got issue about php7.4 installation.

Some EC2 instances can't enable amzn2extra-php7.4 repo, then use amzn2-core.

php 5.4 will be installed.

Dec 24 17:42:04 ip-10-0-0-43 cloud-init: Package                Arch      Version                   Repository     Size
Dec 24 17:42:04 ip-10-0-0-43 cloud-init: ================================================================================
Dec 24 17:42:04 ip-10-0-0-43 cloud-init: Installing:
Dec 24 17:42:04 ip-10-0-0-43 cloud-init: php                    x86_64    5.4.16-46.amzn2.0.2       amzn2-core    1.4 M
Dec 24 17:42:04 ip-10-0-0-43 cloud-init: php-bcmath             x86_64    5.4.16-46.amzn2.0.2       amzn2-core     58 k
Dec 24 17:42:04 ip-10-0-0-43 cloud-init: php-cli                x86_64    5.4.16-46.amzn2.0.2       amzn2-core    2.8 M
Dec 24 17:42:04 ip-10-0-0-43 cloud-init: php-common             x86_64    5.4.16-46.amzn2.0.2       amzn2-core    563 k
Dec 24 17:42:04 ip-10-0-0-43 cloud-init: php-devel              x86_64    5.4.16-46.amzn2.0.2       amzn2-core    602 k
Dec 24 17:42:04 ip-10-0-0-43 cloud-init: php-fpm                x86_64    5.4.16-46.amzn2.0.2       amzn2-core    1.4 M
Dec 24 17:42:04 ip-10-0-0-43 cloud-init: php-gd                 x86_64    5.4.16-46.amzn2.0.2       amzn2-core    127 k
Dec 24 17:42:04 ip-10-0-0-43 cloud-init: php-intl               x86_64    5.4.16-46.amzn2.0.2       amzn2-core     98 k
Dec 24 17:42:04 ip-10-0-0-43 cloud-init: php-mbstring           x86_64    5.4.16-46.amzn2.0.2       amzn2-core    505 k
Dec 24 17:42:04 ip-10-0-0-43 cloud-init: php-mysqlnd            x86_64    5.4.16-46.amzn2.0.2       amzn2-core    172 k
Dec 24 17:42:04 ip-10-0-0-43 cloud-init: php-pear               noarch    1:1.10.12-9.amzn2         amzn2-core    359 k
Dec 24 17:42:04 ip-10-0-0-43 cloud-init: php-xml                x86_64    5.4.16-46.amzn2.0.2       amzn2-core    125 k
[root@ip-10-0-0-43 ~]# php -v
PHP 5.4.16 (cli) (built: Oct 31 2019 18:34:05)
Copyright (c) 1997-2013 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.4.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2013 Zend Technologies

Some EC2 instances can enable amzn2extra-php7.4 repo,

php 7.4 will be installed.

Dec 24 17:42:07 ip-10-0-0-147 cloud-init: ================================================================================
Dec 24 17:42:07 ip-10-0-0-147 cloud-init: Package               Arch     Version               Repository           Size
Dec 24 17:42:07 ip-10-0-0-147 cloud-init: ================================================================================
Dec 24 17:42:07 ip-10-0-0-147 cloud-init: Installing:
Dec 24 17:42:07 ip-10-0-0-147 cloud-init: php                   x86_64   7.4.21-1.amzn2        amzn2extra-php7.4   3.2 M
Dec 24 17:42:07 ip-10-0-0-147 cloud-init: php-bcmath            x86_64   7.4.21-1.amzn2        amzn2extra-php7.4    68 k
Dec 24 17:42:07 ip-10-0-0-147 cloud-init: php-cli               x86_64   7.4.21-1.amzn2        amzn2extra-php7.4   4.9 M
Dec 24 17:42:08 ip-10-0-0-147 cloud-init: php-common            x86_64   7.4.21-1.amzn2        amzn2extra-php7.4   1.1 M
Dec 24 17:42:08 ip-10-0-0-147 cloud-init: php-devel             x86_64   7.4.21-1.amzn2        amzn2extra-php7.4   1.3 M
Dec 24 17:42:08 ip-10-0-0-147 cloud-init: php-fpm               x86_64   7.4.21-1.amzn2        amzn2extra-php7.4   1.7 M
Dec 24 17:42:08 ip-10-0-0-147 cloud-init: php-gd                x86_64   7.4.21-1.amzn2        amzn2extra-php7.4   182 k
Dec 24 17:42:08 ip-10-0-0-147 cloud-init: php-intl              x86_64   7.4.21-1.amzn2        amzn2extra-php7.4   220 k
Dec 24 17:42:08 ip-10-0-0-147 cloud-init: php-json              x86_64   7.4.21-1.amzn2        amzn2extra-php7.4    71 k
Dec 24 17:42:08 ip-10-0-0-147 cloud-init: php-mbstring          x86_64   7.4.21-1.amzn2        amzn2extra-php7.4   514 k
Dec 24 17:42:08 ip-10-0-0-147 cloud-init: php-mysqlnd           x86_64   7.4.21-1.amzn2        amzn2extra-php7.4   241 k
Dec 24 17:42:08 ip-10-0-0-147 cloud-init: php-pear              noarch   1:1.10.12-9.amzn2     amzn2-core          359 k
Dec 24 17:42:08 ip-10-0-0-147 cloud-init: php-xml               x86_64   7.4.21-1.amzn2        amzn2extra-php7.4   199 k
[root@ip-10-0-0-147 ~]# php -v
PHP 7.4.21 (cli) (built: Jul  7 2021 17:35:08) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.4.0, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies

I launched 10 EC2 instances with the "same" configuration as test.

7x EC2 instances: php5.4 was installed

3x EC2 instances: php7.4 was installed

I'm using default Amazon linux AMI (Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM) - Kernel 5.10, SSD Volume Type )

ami-0218d08a1f9dac831 ( region: ap-northeast-1)

I have no idea why this happens..

질문됨 2년 전1954회 조회
1개 답변

Have you checked the logs? If your script did not accomplish the tasks you were expecting it to, or if you just want to verify that your script completed without errors, examine the cloud-init output log file at /var/log/cloud-init-output.log and look for error messages in the output.

답변함 2년 전

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