Not able to delete FSX Ontap since there is a peer relationship


I've build a lab to test FSX Ontap, so at the end, I've just deleted the cloudformation stack, but I forgot to delete the peer relationship between the two SVMs. Cloudformation has deleted some volumes, as root volume and now I'm not able to log in to the svm to delete the peer relationship and I'm not able to delete the SVM anymore and It's generating big costs. Can you help me ?

The error on the SVM is "Lifecycle state Misconfigured Lifecycle transition message Amazon FSx is unable to delete the storage virtual machine because it is part of a SVM peer or transition peer relationship. Please delete the relationship and retry. Ontap CLI examples 1) Show relationships "vserver peer show -vserver svm01-dr" 2) For each relationship from 1, "vserver peer delete -vserver svm01-dr -peer-vserver <Peer Vserver value>" For more information, please see the Amazon FSx user guide:""

I've already read the documentation but i'm not able to run commands inside the svm since i can't login.

질문됨 9달 전784회 조회
1개 답변

Hi You should be able to delete the peer relationship at cluster level using the fsxadmin user. You can can reset the fsxamin password from AWS console if needed.

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답변함 8달 전

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