Reopen my amazon account


my question is reactivate my account

질문됨 2달 전110회 조회
2개 답변
수락된 답변

Hello Ayomi,

I think you will have to provide more details about what happened to your account . If you account was suspended you can follow the procedure here for the resolution :-

profile picture
답변함 2달 전
profile picture
검토됨 2달 전

1. Log into Your Amazon Account

Go to

Attempt to log in with your existing credentials.

2. Check for Suspension or Deactivation Notices

If your account was suspended or deactivated, you may see a message indicating the status of your account. The message usually provides instructions on the next steps, such as contacting Amazon support.

3. Contact Amazon Customer Support

If you're unable to reactivate your account directly, it's best to contact Amazon’s customer service for assistance:

Visit Amazon's Help Page.

Select the appropriate options:

Issue with my account > Account settings or login issues > Reactivating my account.

Choose a contact method: chat, phone, or email.

4. Provide Required Information

During the support process, Amazon may request additional verification, such as:

Your registered email address or phone number.

Order history or account activity verification.

5. Resolve Any Issues

If your account was deactivated due to suspicious activity or policy violations, you may need to resolve those issues (e.g., unpaid bills, fraudulent activity) before the account can be reactivated.

답변함 2달 전

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