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EMR in 2 AZs and High Availability


Can you deploy multiple EMR master nodes in different AZs and failover between them? Or - how do I make my EMR cluster HA?

Can you schedule core nodes in 2 AZs?

질문됨 4년 전4.3천회 조회
3개 답변
수락된 답변

No, currently Amazon EMR always launch all the nodes (master, core task) in a single AZ. With Instance fleet option you can specify multiple subnet while launching the cluster, however EMR will automatically pick one subnet (AZ) (based on best availability of nodes ).

With EMR multi master feature, EMR does launch 3 master nodes however they will be in same AZs only. Multi master feature is to reduce the probability of cluster termination due to master node termination. (which is a single point of failure in case of single master node cluster). In addition to that it does implement HA functionality for HDFS Namenode, Yarn Resource manager, Hbase master etc...

답변함 4년 전

Is it safe to say that , in terms of availability EMR serverless would be a better option than EMR ?

답변함 일 년 전

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