Can't still use db.t3.small instance by modify Aurora RDS


Hello. I have had database instance Aurora Mysql v1 with db.t3.small type. I decided to upgrade it to v.2 using Modify features. I successfully finished it. Next step I need to upgrade this DB from v.2 to v.3 but using a snapshot like in the manual.

So, unfortunately, when I try to restore a snapshot to change version of Aurora MYSQL to 3 I can't select db.t3.small type, the minimum power is db.t3.medium. Any restriction present?

질문됨 3년 전2560회 조회
2개 답변
수락된 답변

Refer to the documentation here. "The smallest instance classes that you can use with version 3 are t3.medium and t4g.medium. " The db.t4g.medium is the cheapest option

답변함 3년 전

More of a follow up question instead of an answer.

Will there be a possibility in the future that AWS will add a db.t3.small option when selecting v3 MySQL Aurora RDS?

This has been raised 10 months ago, so I am not sure if I should wait or just stick with v2.


답변함 2년 전

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