Amazon Connect Views with Lambda - variables not populating


Hi team,

I'm using a lambda function to create an agent view in Amazon Connect. The JSON code I have works fine, however, the variables are not populating when I'm using the Lambda response. For example, I'm trying to populate an attribute bar with $.Attributes.full_name. What ends up happening is my bar shows this:

Customer Name: $.Attributes.full_name

What's even weirder is that if I manually paste my JSON into the view, it works perfectly fine. Here's what I'm manually pasting:

        "Label": "Customer Name",
        "Value": "$.Attributes.full_name"

And here's what the Lambda returns:

  "statusCode": 200,
  "body": "[{\"Label\":\"Customer Name\",\"Value\":\"$.Attributes.full_name\"}]"

I've even tried forcing the lambda to return the exact code I'm manually entering above but I just get the same results every time. My variable $.Attributes.full_name is not populating.

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