Athena Snowflake Federated Query Fails


Setup a serverlessrepo-AthenaSnowflakeConnector to enable query Federation; after the connector setup i am able to query the tables using data source name and table name but when i tried to use with "lambda:MyLambdaFunctionName" in my select statement got into the below error.

GENERIC_USER_ERROR: Encountered an exception[] from your LambdaFunction[xxxlambdfnxxxx] executed in context[retrieving meta-data] with message[Secrets Manager can't find the specified secret. (Service: AWSSecretsManager; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ResourceNotFoundException; Request ID: ABCD8e00-9999-XXXX-863Y-XX36Y588XNNN; Proxy: null)]
This query ran against the "POCDB" database, unless qualified by the query. Please post the error message on our forum
or contact customer support
with Query Id:XXX7020Y-4Y41-4917-9520-NNN741X0NaNN

Altered the IAM inline policy to provide access to all secrets as well

            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "secretsmanager:GetSecretValue",
            "Resource": "*"

what is causing the issue any guidance will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in Adavnce!

질문됨 2년 전411회 조회
1개 답변


Looking at your error message Secrets Manager can't find the specified secret , it appears that the secret specified while creating your connector is either invalid or unavailable in your account.

Please ensure that you are providing a valid secret name which is present in the account where you are creating the connector. The connector retrieves the username and password from the specified secret.

You can find an example article here and here

지원 엔지니어
답변함 2년 전

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