AWS recommended Application Recovery Controller Cloud formation Templates not validating.


Hi, I am attempting to create an Application Recovery Controller setup using Cloud formation. The recommended Stack, here for instance does not validate. I have read the documentation and added all the requirements but it does not seem to validate. Any help would be nice. Thanks.

This is the command I ran: aws cloudformation validate-template --template-body ./Route53-ARC-readiness-check.yaml

When I test it with an online validator, I get these errors: ValidationError - Template format error: Unrecognized resource types: [AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::RecoveryGroup, AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::Cell, AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::ResourceSet, AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::ReadinessCheck]****

My question is how can an recipe Cloudformation Template be throwing such errors?

질문됨 8달 전58회 조회
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