S3 Multipart Upload - Any Cost by Using Lifecycle for Cleanup?


The page below recommends to have S3 bucket Lifecycle to delete incomplete multipart uploads. Sounds good, but one thing was not clear to me; does having the Lifecycle management rule incur any extra cost on its own?


Checked out below S3 Pricing table as well, but it seemed to only touch on storage class transition cost regarding the lifecycle, and not on deletion of incomplete multipart.


2개 답변
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Hi there!

Amazon S3 Lifecycle is a feature of Amazon S3 that has no cost on its own. Feel free to use it to clean up incomplete multipart uploads.

I hope this helps.

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According to the S3 Pricing Page (Requests and data retrieval tab), DELETE and CANCEL actions are free. Therefore, unless the objects being deleted are in a storage class with a minimum duration, I would expect the Lifecycle deletions to not have a charge.

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