Can't find compatible libraries for aws-cdk-lib 2.9.6


I am trying to build my eks stack via cli with python. However, the latest version of the libraries are not able to be installed with it and I keep getting a construct error.

The conflict is caused by: The user requested constructs<12.0.0 and >=1.204.0 aws-cdk-lib 2.96.0 depends on constructs<11.0.0 and >=10.0.0 aws-cdk-core 1.204.0 depends on constructs<4.0.0 and >=3.3.69

Here is my code in requirements.txt

aws-cdk-lib==2.96.2 constructs>=10.0.0,<11.0.0 aws_cdk.core==1.204.0 aws_cdk.aws_ec2==1.204.0 pyyaml

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

질문됨 9달 전56회 조회
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