Redshift diagnostics queries to identify the performance bottleneck
This article provides the tool/queries to identify redshift tables having missing statistics, data skewness and longest running query.
- Query to find out tables w/ missing statistics
To find queries impacted by missing statistics in Redshift, you can query stl_explain and look for "missing statistics" in the plannode field. Group by the substring of the plannode, order by the count descending, like this:
select substring(trim(plannode),1,100) as plannode, count(*) from stl_explain where plannode like '%missing statistics%' group by plannode order by 2 desc; This will provide a count of the queries impacted by missing statistics on each table, identified by the plannode value.
- Query to identify tables with data skew or unsorted rows in Redshift cluster
select trim(pgn.nspname) as schema,
trim( as table, id as tableid,
decode(pgc.reldiststyle,0, 'even',1,det.distkey ,8,'all') as distkey, dist_ratio.ratio::decimal(10,4) as skew,
det.head_sort as "sortkey",
det.n_sortkeys as "#sks", b.mbytes,
decode(b.mbytes,0,0,((b.mbytes/,2)) as pct_of_total,
decode(det.max_enc,0,'n','y') as enc, a.rows,
decode( det.n_sortkeys, 0, null, a.unsorted_rows ) as unsorted_rows ,
decode( det.n_sortkeys, 0, null, decode( a.rows,0,0, (a.unsorted_rows::decimal(32)/a.rows)100) )::decimal(5,2) as pct_unsorted
from (select db_id, id, name, sum(rows) as rows,
sum(rows)-sum(sorted_rows) as unsorted_rows
from stv_tbl_perm a
group by db_id, id, name) as a
join pg_class as pgc on pgc.oid =
join pg_namespace as pgn on pgn.oid = pgc.relnamespace
left outer join (select tbl, count() as mbytes
from stv_blocklist group by tbl) b on
inner join (select attrelid,
min(case attisdistkey when 't' then attname else null end) as "distkey",
min(case attsortkeyord when 1 then attname else null end ) as head_sort ,
max(attsortkeyord) as n_sortkeys,
max(attencodingtype) as max_enc
from pg_attribute group by 1) as det
on det.attrelid =
inner join ( select tbl, max(mbytes)::decimal(32)/min(mbytes) as ratio
from (select tbl, trim(name) as name, slice, count() as mbytes
from svv_diskusage group by tbl, name, slice )
group by tbl, name ) as dist_ratio on = dist_ratio.tbl
join ( select sum(capacity) as total
from stv_partitions where part_begin=0 ) as part on 1=1
where mbytes is not null
order by mbytes desc;
- Query to identify longest running queries in your cluster :
select trim(database) as db, count(query) as n_qry,
max(substring (qrytext,1,80)) as qrytext,
min(run_minutes) as "min" ,
max(run_minutes) as "max",
avg(run_minutes) as "avg", sum(run_minutes) as total,
max(query) as max_query_id,
max(starttime)::date as last_run,
sum(alerts) as alerts, aborted
from (select userid, label, stl_query.query,
trim(database) as database,
trim(querytxt) as qrytext,
md5(trim(querytxt)) as qry_md5,
starttime, endtime,
(datediff(seconds, starttime,endtime)::numeric(12,2))/60 as run_minutes,
alrt.num_events as alerts, aborted
from stl_query
left outer join
(select query, 1 as num_events from stl_alert_event_log group by query ) as alrt
on alrt.query = stl_query.query
where userid <> 1 and starttime >= dateadd(day, -7, current_date))
group by database, label, qry_md5, aborted
order by total desc limit 50;
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