Error on AWS when Launching command : eksctl create cluster -f ./eks.yaml


The error result to be the following : exceeded max wait time for StackCreateComplete waiter The error happens when deploying stack "eksctl-do-eks-nodegroup-wks-node". I attach the following elks.yaml :

apiVersion: kind: ClusterConfig

metadata: name: do-eks version: "1.27" region: us-west-2


  • us-west-2a
  • us-west-2b

vpc: cidr:

iam: withOIDC: true


  • name: wks-node instanceType: c5.4xlarge instancePrefix: workshop privateNetworking: true availabilityZones: ["us-west-2a", "us-west-2b"] efaEnabled: false minSize: 0 desiredCapacity: 2 maxSize: 10 volumeSize: 900 iam: withAddonPolicies: cloudWatch: true autoScaler: true ebs: true
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3 Respostas

Hi. What is the exact error, you can find that in a console I think under EKS?

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Enter image description here The exact error in the is : --> exceeded max wait time for StackCreateComplete waiter

respondido há um ano

Seems you are using eksctl to create the cluster, which was processed with CloudFormation to create the resources. What's the error found in the CloudFormation stack?

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