Asking for a friend - Cloudformation Parameters - Default : If condition


Hello All,

I have a ci/cd with a multi account strategy and multi accounts - right now I am trying to pass parameters to a cloudformation template that will be choosing in between different parameters set depending if the branchname is test xxxx or dev xxxx

Please find sample below

############ VPC used depending on the Branchname ########################
    Type: String
    Default: "vpc-redacteda"

    Type: String
    Default: "vpc-redactedb"  
    Type: String
    Description: VPC Used for the cluster position
    Default: !If [IsTest, !Ref VpcA, !Ref VpcB]

The error being returned is that every default member must be a string - is there a way around that ? perhaps using commadelimitedlist instead of string and passing the parameter in a single line.

There's no matching use case on github or other platform....

Help me awesome people

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The right way to do that is to have VPCId being an SSM parameter :

You will use !GetAtt Value to obtain its value: see final section of the above

Then you can drive its value with your !If statement to VpcA or VpcB by using the !If construct that you already have.

I am using this myself quite often

You may even go on a simpler path if you need VPCIOd only once. You can insert the condition directly at the place were you need id.


    Type: AWS::EC2::Instance
      InstanceType: t2.micro
      SubnetId: !Ref WebServerSubnet
      ImageId: !Ref ImageId
        - !If [ EnvironmentIsProduction, !Ref SecurityGroup, !Ref 'AWS::NoValue' ]
profile pictureAWS
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Unfortunately decided against using the SSM Parameters route. However I have found you can get the effect I was looking for without.

So to Address that point I have added all the parameters bunch that I needed in Mappings. Those mappings can be addressed afterwards within the same cloudformation template

            !If [BranchNameEqualsTest,
              !FindInMap [BranchParameters, test, 'ClusterTaskRole'], 
              !FindInMap [BranchParameters, dev, 'ClusterTaskRole']]         
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  • Happy that you found the right solution for your use case. Thanks for having accepted my answer


You may be able to use the PyPlate example Macro - see

I haven't in any way tested this code, but once you make the PyPlate macro available, you could use something roughly like:

Transform: [PyPlate]
    Type: String
    Default: "vpc-redacteda"

    Type: String
    Default: "vpc-redactedb"  
    Type: String
    Description: VPC Used for the cluster position
    Default: |
      isTest = ... (Get this from "params" dict or a condition in the "template" dict - not clear to me where you're getting this from)
      output = params[VPCid]
      if not output.startswith('vpc-'):
        output = params[VpcA] if isTest else params[VpcB]
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