Persistent Compatibility Issue with Amazon WorkSpaces Android App on Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus


Issue Summary: Experiencing a persistent issue with the Amazon WorkSpaces Android app on my Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus. The app displays an error message stating: "Unable to connect. The current version of your Amazon WorkSpaces client is not compatible with the agent software installed on your WorkSpace. Update to the latest version of your client, and then try to log in again." This issue occurs despite the client being up-to-date and my tablet being fully updated.

Device and App Details:

  • Device: Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus
  • WorkSpaces Client App: Latest version installed from the Google Play Store (Android app)

WorkSpace Configuration:

  • Operating System: Windows Server 2022
  • Launch Bundle: Power with Windows 10 (Server 2022 based) (WSP)
  • Connection State: Disconnected
  • Protocol: WSP (WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol)
  • Status: Available
  • Compute Type: Power
  • Running Mode: AutoStop (1 hour)
  • Snapshots: None available

Troubleshooting Steps Taken:

  • Verified Network Connectivity: Confirmed a stable and strong internet connection.
  • Checked App and Device Updates: Both the WorkSpaces client app and Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus are up to date.
  • Rebooted WorkSpace: Executed, but the issue persisted.
  • Confirmed AWS Region: Ensured matching AWS Management Console and WorkSpace regions (US East, N. Virginia).
  • Reviewed Security Group Settings: Checked via AWS VPC Dashboard; ensured necessary ports are open.
  • Considered Alternative Devices: Proposed testing with a different device for comparison.
  • Researched Device-Specific Issues: Found no notable issues with Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus and WorkSpaces client.
  • Consulted AWS Documentation and Support: Reviewed Amazon WorkSpaces documentation for additional insights.

Continuing Problem: The WorkSpaces client on my Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus continues to display the incompatibility error message, preventing successful connection to the WorkSpace.

Seeking Further Assistance: Requesting additional guidance or solutions to resolve this specific error. Insights from individuals with similar experiences or expertise in Amazon WorkSpaces and Android device compatibility would be highly valuable.


I am facing a persistent issue accessing Amazon WorkSpaces, now both through the Android app and via web access on a Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus. While the initial problem involved an incompatibility error with the Android app, a new issue has emerged when attempting web access: the error message "This OS platform is not authorized to access your workspace." This occurs despite recent adjustments in the directory settings to enable web access and allow all relevant platforms, including Android.

Recent Troubleshooting and Configuration Changes:

Directory Settings Adjustments:

  • Directory Type: Simple AD.
  • Web Access: Enabled (previously disabled).
  • Access for Other Platforms: Android, Linux, and Web Access set to "All allowed."
  • Maintenance Mode: Disabled (was enabled).
  • Security Groups and Network Settings: Reviewed, with no restrictive settings identified.
  • Subnets: Active in two different Availability Zones, ensuring high availability.
  • Status: Directory is active and registered with Amazon WorkSpaces.

Additional Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Browser Compatibility: Ensured that a supported web browser is used on the Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus for web access.
  • WorkSpace Status Check: Confirmed that the specific WorkSpace is in a healthy and available state.
  • Testing Variations: Issue persists with both the Android app and web access attempts, despite enabling relevant access in directory settings.

Ongoing Challenges: The error encountered during web access attempts from the Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus is particularly perplexing, given that directory settings have been adjusted to permit such access. The message indicates an authorization issue despite directory configurations appearing correctly set to allow access across necessary platforms.

Seeking Advanced Assistance: I am seeking further support to diagnose and resolve the issue of accessing Amazon WorkSpaces via both the Android app and web access on my Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus. Detailed insights, especially considering the latest changes and the dual nature of the access issues (app and web), would be highly valuable.

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