How can I grant permission to a user to view Elasticache Metrics in Elasticache console?


I have tried by adding an inline policy in Identity center as follows; "Effect": "Allow", "Action":"cloudwatch:" "Resource": [ "arn:aws:elasticache:ap-south-1:**:****:cache-name" ] But still when I check in elasticache console it says "you can't view the metrics, no cloudwatch:getmetricdata permission" Evene I tried by just giving Action: cloudwatch:GetMetricData but no luck How can I fix this?

1 Resposta

If the action in the inline policy was literally: "cloudwatch:" then that won't work. You are missing an action or asterisk (*) after the colon. I was able to recreate this by not having anything after the colon.

Either use: "cloudwatch:GetMetricData" or "cloudwatch:*" to resolve this.

If you did try "cloudwatch:GetMetricData" and it didn't work still ensure that the resource ARN is correct and that you are using an Allow effect in the policy.

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