Where is my live media streaming with AWS Connect and Lex v2 bot?


Hi there. I aimed to record the calls made to a flow utilizing a Lex V2 bot into an S3 bucket, thus I adhered to these instructions: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/connect/latest/adminguide/enable-live-media-streams.html

With the live media streaming enabled I did as instructions said, I added a Start media streaming and a Stop media streaming block, saved and published the flow. I don't get any errors but when I make a call I don't see the streaming. I entered to Kinesis and I don't see any Data Streams. Created a lambda function to handle the data streaming but there I don't see any data streaming as well. I triple checked that everything is in us-east-1.

So my question is where can I see my kinesis data streams?

One thing I noted is that according to instructions I must enable streaming by going to Data Storage instead of Data Streaming. And inside of it there is Live media streaming which I have to enable and Kinesis video stream prefix and encryption. But if you go to Data Stream you can see an option that says Create a new Kinesis Stream. I don't see that in Data Storage. I tried enable data streams but that didn't solve the problem.

2 Respostas

The Start Streaming block will start sending the audio to Kinesis Video Stream (does not send it to S3 or anywhere else), different from Kinesis Data Stream. What you will need to build is a consumer of these RAW live audio streams and construct the wav file yourself, here is an example:


The example contact flow shown disconnect the calls and does not send to a queue, so what you can do is modify the contact flow to send the call to a queue and eventually to an agent, the entire call will be streamed and you will be able to capture it via KVS. Regular Connect call recording will continue to work (only between caller and agent portion)

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  • Thanks for helping. But what I read is that the data was going to be retained by 5 minutes, I was expecting to process it once Stop media streaming block was executed using a lambda function as trigger. What you are suggesting is way too complicated for me, I will just remove this feature from my app.


I've never seen a Kinesis actually be used to record Lex interactions, I suspect it's not possible. Kinesis is mainly used to build a "voicemail" functionality or to allow the caller to record feedback like for a survey. Check this link out https://s3.amazonaws.com/solutions-reference/voicemail-for-amazon-connect/latest/voicemail-for-amazon-connect.pdf and you'll get a walkthrough on how it can be used to capture caller audio.


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