SES:535 Authentication Credentials Invalid



We have been using SES for the past 4 years without any problem.

Last Saturday 19 March 2023, I created a new set of SMTP credentials to configure email sending method in Region Asia Pacific (Mumbai).

Encountered the below in Oracle Apex Mail Queue:

ORA-29279: SMTP permanent error: 535 Authentication Credentials Invalid

Upon searching and enquiring the reason, I found the policy attached - AmazonSesSendingAccess - has some Unrecognized actions .

Copy of the text from the page Edit AmazonSesSendingAccess is below:


Pinpoint Email Actions Unrecognized actions IAM does not recognize one or more actions. The action name might include a typo or might be part of a previewed or custom service. SendRawEmail


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Request conditions Specify request conditions (optional)


SES v2 Actions Unrecognized actions IAM does not recognize one or more actions. The action name might include a typo or might be part of a previewed or custom service.



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SES Actions




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Where am I going wrong? Or Is it a problem at AWS SES, yet to be fixed?

Any help on this will be highly appreciated.

Thank you all. Raja

1 Resposta

Resolved, problem was with the client application, not updating the credentials. Thanks Raja

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