Appium TestNg-Flutter elements on Flutter app not getting identified on AWS device farm


I am automating Flutter app run tests using Appium flutter driver on AWS device farm

Appium+JAVA+TestNg+Flutter driver

Appium version : 2.1.3 Java 8

Flutter driver

Tests run fine when run locally. The elements are not getting identified on AWS device farm.

When I run the tests on AWS device farm I start to get error below [TestNG] FAILED CONFIGURATION: "Mirus App tests" - @BeforeClass com.mirus.sp.testcases.NavigationTest.appLogin() finished in 0 ms [TestNG] org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException: The element identified by 'eyJmaW5kZXJUeXBlIjoiQnlWYWx1ZUtleSIsImtleVZhbHVlVHlwZSI6IlN0cmluZyIsImtleVZhbHVlU3RyaW5nIjoiaW5wdXRfbG9naW5fZW1haWwifQ' is not present in the cache or has expired. Try to find it again

Any help would be appreciated.

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