DMS Task : Tables with no data is not getting migrated


Hi, I have a Data Migration task, the task migrates all the tables with data, but does not migrate tables with no data, is there a way to include the tables with no data to get migrated as well

2 Respostas
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This is an expected behavior of DMS. What target is used here? Workaround may be to add some dummy records in the empty table so it is migrated.

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avaliado há 7 dias
  • the target is s3 bucket, I want to get all the tables in the s3 bucket including the ones without data

  • Yes then the best way is to add some dummy records into empty table so that it can be migrated by DMS


are there any task settings to migrate tables with no data to S3 target? We have 600+ tables with zero data and inserting dummy data in 600+ tables is cumbersome?

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