AWS AP-SOUTHEAST-1 Region SSM Service Having Issue - not able to use SSM to connect to new EC2 instances


I used multiple ways to test.

  1. Used Terraform to create EC2, IAM Role for SSM. I was able to use the Session Manager in AP-SouthEast-2 and US-West-1 to connect to the instance created in AP-SouthEast-2 and US-West-1 regions respectively, but not AP-SouthEast-1.
  2. In AP-SouthEast-1, I also manaually created an EC2 instances with Amazon Linux 2 image (the one with SSM Agent build-in) and created the role with "AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore" policy. Attached the role with the EC2 instance. Still not able to use the Session Manager to Connect to the EC2. In System Manager Session Manager console, the instance not showing in the list of incidents that can be connected.
  3. I used different accounts to verify as well.

So I am suspecting that there is something wrong with the AP-SouthEast-1 region SSM service. Please check and kindly update me. Thanks.

feita há 10 meses541 visualizações
2 Respostas

I checked the health dashboard here and there were no failures.
I also confirmed that my AWS account can connect with AP-SouthEast-1.

Please make sure that you meet the Session Manager requirements listed in the following document.
Probably no problem with OS or SSM Agent installation.
I would need to verify that EC2 is able to communicate with Systems Manager using NAT Gateway, VPC endpoints, etc.

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respondido há 10 meses
  • Thanks for your answer. I actually referred to the troubleshooting document you shared and checked around and didn't find any thing that could cause the issue. As I mentioned, I used the same Terraform script IN OTHER TWO REGIONS and it worked well. Maybe you can manually create an EC2 in ap-southeast-1, setup the IAM role necessary and try it?

    My EC2 is set with outbound rule of allowing anything: #all outbound egress { from_port = 0 to_port = 0 protocol = "-1" cidr_blocks = [""] }

  • EC2 is manually created and connected with the IAM policy you are using (AmazonSSMMManagedInstanceCore). By the way, is EC2 running on a private subnet? If you are running private, you will need to configure a NAT Gateway or VPC endpoint.

  • Thanks. Are you able to connect through Session Manager in ap-southeast-1 region? I can connect in other regions. I checked the documentation and I didn't see that NAT or VPC endpoint is needed. The documentation only mentioned that connectivity to endpoints are needed which I have ensured it through my outbound SG rule mentioned earlier. I have the same setup without NAT and VPC endpoint in the other two regions (ap-southeast-2 and us-west-1) and there was no issue to connect to the EC2 instances created in those regions.

  • Yes, I was able to connect to the EC2 started in ap-southeast-1 with Session Manager. A NAT Gateway or VPC endpoint is required when the EC2 is running on a private subnet. I do not know whether the EC2 you are running is public or private, so you will have to do the checking yourself.

  • Three endpoints added and it is still not working after 10 minutes.


Suddently lost connection with error message as below:

Connection error root-09da060d1b45e66a6

Your session has been terminated for the following reasons: ----------ERROR------- Setting up data channel with id root-09da060d1b45e66a6 failed: failed to create websocket for datachannel with error: CreateDataChannel failed with no output or error: createDataChannel request failed: unexpected response from the service Server authentication failed: <UnauthorizedRequest><message>Forbidden.</message></UnauthorizedRequest>

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