AWS DeepRacer standings


Hi guys do the first 3 racers in country win prizes? and if the total racers of region or country very small does the 10% percent still apllies or the first 5 or 10 will have prizes?

feita há 9 meses247 visualizações
1 Resposta
Resposta aceita

The AWS DeepRacer Student League awards prizes to the top 3 racers in each country, as well as to the top 5 racers in each region. The 10% rule only applies if the total number of racers in a country or region is less than 30. In that case, the top 10% of racers will win prizes.

profile pictureAWS
respondido há 9 meses
profile pictureAWS
avaliado há 9 meses

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