AWS connect Deskphone CCP error for Missed call


Agent taking inbound calls through SCV based CCP via Deskphone. Sometimes his call getting missed very frequently. When i am checking logs found below details in logs,

Available--> Pending Busy(16.17.35)---> Failed Connect Agent(16.17.57)--> Offline. Contact Duration : 22 sec

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whether Missed call count of 20sec common for desktop based CCP as well. For deskphone and softphone any change noted in reporting as like, as i am not seen Missed call event name in logs ?

  • So 20 secs or so is how long the missed call time is, so that part seems normal. Are you able to reproduce this not using a desk phone and having the voice come via the CCP? I’m curious if there’s just a telephony delay between Connect and your desk phone. Another thing to look at is the PBX your desk phone is connected to, does it see the Connect call arrive?

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