unsuccessful deployment with CodeCatalyst static website blueprint


I'm successfully using other AWS products for static website hosting and now trying to use better practices by introducing myself to CodeCatalyst with the Free Tier of the product.

So I selected the "Static website" from the list of well-architected blueprints and ran it with the default settings, which gives me a Hugo installation I can look at via Cloud9. However, when I run the deployment although it's announced as "Successful" I can't figure out where the deployment artifacts are supposed to have shown up.

The blueprint-created workflow contains a "Deploy" section derived from "codecatalyst-labs/deploy-to-amplify-hosting@v1" but when I go to Amplify in the AWS Console there aren't any objects. I actually want to use CodeCatalyst with an S3 sit anyways, so I modified the workflow and added the S3 publish action and connected it to the bucket of an existing static site I've got working as the deploy target;. However, when I run the CodeCatalyst workflow it's actually the Hugo sample site source code that is deposited in the bucket, rather than build artifacts.

So before I continue with trying to get this working, I wanted to ask, since I've noticed a few other odd symptoms—has anyone else successfully used this blueprint? Would I maybe be better off starting over from scratch?

1 Resposta

the deployment artifacts will be popping up in "Amplify" in the AWS Console and yes, this blue print worked last time I tested it. :-) did you verify you accessed amplify in the correct region?

for your try with S3 deployment - can you please share the workflow and the logfiles of the deployment, it should also work (i have more than one project that uses that pattern)

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